Still, last night I was able to get out and enjoy an hour or so at Bill Rupnik's ever impressive gallery as I checked out Mallorie Freeman's opening. Her work is really something, and Cleveland is lucking to have lucky to have landed her.
Afterwards, my pal Angie and I hit up the Cracker show at the Beachland I'd been talking up for so long, and it ended up being everything I'd hoped for and more. The band was as on top of its game as ever and I had a great time listening and catching up with some friends I hadn't seen for a while. One of those, of course, being Matt at Addicted to Vinyl, who has a tremendous post-show recap that I already know will blow anything I come up with (though I still plan to try) out of the water.
And now I'm sitting here in my home office, hoping my neighbors aren't looking in the windows as I sit in my skivvies and, well, my skivvies. And if they do look, I hope to god that isn't against the law. I don't have any junk out, so I think me and the 5-0 should be cool.
Speaking of the po-po, let's talk a little bit about what's going down next week...
Sunday, 8/30 - Start your week out on an intellectual note by catching back-to-back foreign film screenings at the CIA Cinematheque. At 1:30, catch Sugisball, an Estonian black comedy about the intersecting lives of four apartment-dwellers in the post-Soviet Baltics, and at 4 catch the Japanese film Hana, a period samurai comedy set in the opening years of the 19th Century. (Note: Neither of the trailers below have sub-titles, but they films definitely will when they screen at the CIA.)
Monday, 8/31 - tba
Tuesday, 9/1 - tba
Wednesday, 9/2 - I've been told that Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros are playing at Case. However, the powers that be at Case do not give ANY information on how one would actually go about getting tickets to this show. SO .... if you have a hook-up at Case, call them. If you have a really good one, let me know. This is one show you definitely don't want to miss.
Thursday, 9/3 - The BROWNS play the Da Bears. My loyalties will be tested, but fortunately I'll be out of town at game-time so I won't have to watch, cringing with self-loathing every time I cheer for one of my favorite teams and, thus, against my other favorite team.

For those of you disinclined to spend an evening watching the Brownies, why not spending it walking all over Waterloo Road, in the latest edition of their late summer Thursday special? Last week featured a rather ferocious wiffle ball match and who knows what will come up this time!

Friday, 9/4 - The dynamic duo at Shoparooni, Marlee and Heather, have really been stepping up their in-house art gallery game, and the Annex is becoming one of the most energetic little art-rooms in town. This weekend they open yet another one of their group shows, this one a play on the old Dick and Jane children's books. Expect some wild interpretations of the motif - some brilliant, some blue - and enjoy the back to school related merchandise collected together by the newest addition to the Waterloo retail posse, Troy at Star Pop!

Saturday, 9/5 - WRUW brings the musical heat this week with their annual Studio-a-rama event. This one is always a good time, but the fact that they landed seminal rock act Mission of Burma as the headliner is unbelievably awesome. Don't let this opportunity slip away! The party goes from 2 PM to midnight, with Mission of Burma hitting the stage about 10.

- 9/6 - Tony Furtado at the Waterloo Cafe
- 9/9 - Art on Tap event at the Museum of Art
- 9/10 - Zaireeka listening party at Music Saves
- 9/11 - A pair of stellar gallery openings on the west side (Asterisk & SPACES)
- 9/12 - Ramona Falls at the Beachland
- 9/12 - Chalkfest at the Museum of Art
- 9/12 - Cleveland Public Theater's annual Pandemonium event
- 9/13 - Ra Ra Riot and Maps & Atlases at the Grog Shop
- 9/14 - A Hawk & a Hack Saw at the Beachland
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