Fucker Riding Man's Ass Whole Way Out To Cleveland
August 28, 2009 | Issue 45•35
TWINSBURG, OH—Jesus Christ, area man Mark Hurley cannot fucking believe this dumb shit who has been riding his ass all the way out to Cleveland, even though they're traveling on an empty three-lane highway. The asshole, who, for some reason refuses to just pass already, practically pulled into Hurley's backseat two hours ago, outside Toledo. "Come on!" Hurley reportedly hollered back at the goddamn lunatic, who is not only out of his mind, but apparently wants to get them both killed. "What the hell?" As of press time, oh God, you've got to be kidding, the fucker just turned on his high beams.
Post courtesy the nation's finest comedic newsweekly.
If this tickled your funnny bone as much as it tickled mine, check out these other excellent Clevo-centric Onion bits:
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Continuing Journeys
10 years ago
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