My plans for the day have yet again been vanquished.
Today's culprit: the necessary evil of snow-plow accumulation.
Ugh. I'm soooo bad at being flexible.
I was supposed to go to the inaugural brunch at the Beachland Ballroom today with this girl I've been seeing a lot of recently, then check out a film or two at the festival in Tower City.
Of course, both our cars received the short end of the stick in terms of getting blocked in by snowplow dump. I fully realize that somebody has to get screwed, what with the greater good and all, but still it sucks. I mean, both of us? Clear on opposite sides of the city?
Anyway, mature emotional warrior that I am, I threw a total fit, vetoed any possible suggestion she had about getting to Tower City to meet up. (It isn't tough for me, just a short walk to the Rapid, though Christine's comment on a previous post motivates me to put on my hiking shoes. She, on the other hand, has like a mile-and-a-half walk to a station, and there are transfers and blah blah blah.) Now we are in the process of reenacting the romantic equivalent of missteps leading up to World War I. I guess yesterday's snowfall would be cast in the role of the arch-duke.
Oh well. This whole thing was starting to distract me a little too much anyway.
Good to know, though, that underneath the years and pounds of grad school fat is still the impulsive wreck of the impatient and self-sorry teenager I used to be. Yuck.
Such is life, I suppose.
Continuing Journeys
10 years ago
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