Ohio, let me say this: For the first time since moving here last fall, I don't really like you right now.
I mean, come on.
HRC? Freaking HRC? How many times is this state going to look at two options, and pick the bad one? Is this what I have to look forward to - going to bed depressed and bewildered every single time I vote, because the majority of you are going to fuck it all up?
I have a few radio interviews lined up this morning, talking about what happened in the election last night. What am I supposed to say? That the residents of my state, by a significant margin, are dumb-shits, destined to slit their political wrists at any opportunity?
One interesting observation: other than the color scheme, the electoral maps that showed a sea of Clinton counties with a few Obama islands looks an awful lot like the 2004 general election map, only switch Dubya for Clinton. Does that make you proud, Ohio? There wasn't a Republican buffoon to select (again), so you went with the ruthless, throwback Dem? Geez.
And don't get me started on the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections. One of these days, shouldn't we start talking about requiring that blue-chip organization to have a name change? I mean, it seems like the last thing they are facilitating is an electoral system, between the incompetence and the corruption.
Ahh, fuck. I haven't woken up in this kind of a bad mood in a while. Thanks for that, Ohio. Now I have a day of explaining your ridiculous decision-making to media outlets and my own grad school friends and colleagues from Texas. At least in Texas, the HRC victory was within the margin.
Ugh. Something really fucking charming better happen here soon, before this anti-Ohio ick in my gut begins to fester.
Continuing Journeys
10 years ago
In an effort to assuade at least some of your dissappointment, keep the following in mind:
Obama did win Cleveland/Cuyahoga with 53% of the vote, which means you are surrounded by at least 173,902 people who "Baracked" the vote.
Meanwhile, in your former home of the Brazos Valley, "Huckleberryboo" still managed 41% of the vote on McCain's 48%. So be happy you are no longer surrounded by that big a percentage of people who decided, "What the hell, I'll still vote for that guy 'cos he's just waaay too cool to pass up."
That said, to be fair to CS, Obama also won here with 57%.
Now I know you hate Hillary but consider that the vast majority of Hillary supporters (at least those that are not racist) are sure to immediately convert to Barackicans if the delegate math holds. And most (like me) have always favored Obama to at least be the vp nominee before eventually switching over Obama as our top contender.
So, overall, perhaps life on the Obama-friendly island of Cuyahoga is not so bad (or at least not as bad) as it seems today.
I'm a big girl so I can take it when my candidate doesn't win. And I'm not saying everyone who voted for Hillary had a race issue, because I know intelligent, thoughtful people who voted for her. Having said that, I've no doubt race was a big factor. I share your sickeing feeling
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