Sunday, March 30, 2008


So I went to the Cavs game the other day, when they lost on a last second shot against the New Orleans team.

I'm a little ambivalent about the Cavs, to be honest. But my friend had 3 tix and was offering one for free. So what the hell, right?

Of course, later I realized she was giving me the ticket that belonged to her kid but who was being punished for some typical kid thing. That totally sucked for me -- it reminded me of the time my Dad bought 3 tix to a UofI football game and then, to punish me for some smart-mouth kid thing, ended up giving my ticket to my cousin Matt.

As petty as it is, one can trace the demise of my happy relationship with my father to that moment. Or maybe the time we were playing catch in the front yard and he all of a sudden through it really hard and hit me in the nuts. I can't remember which came first.

But this is all kind of heavy -- I only mention the Cavs game because I thought the Q was a pretty decent arena. I also enjoyed having this group of inner city youths on some sort of field trip behind us. They were pretty young and hilarious, especially when two of them got in an argument about who was better, LBJ or Damon Jones.

The kid who was arguing in favor of Damon Jones was awesome, he kept calling LeBron a bitch and saying he couldn't shoot, couldn't jump, couldn't run, looked ugly, etc. The other kids were howling with disbelief, one kid said he couldn't believe the other guy liked "Amon Ones." When asked why he kept saying "Amon Ones" and not "Damon Jones" and he said something clever about how Damon Jones can't play no "D" and doesn't have any "J" in his jump, hence "Amon Ones."

Cute, huh. Here are a few bad pics I took from our nosebleed perch.

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