So I've been dating this girl since late February.
In late February I was clean-shaven (clean shaved?). I had been without facial hair since early January, when I had shaved off the last bearded experiment.
The night I met her, at the Beachland Ballroom, I also bumped into Steve from Shoparooni, who told me about the Cinco de Moustache party he was planning. At that moment, I decided to end my facial hair vacation and commence re-growing.
Yesterday, I shaved off the remaining whiskery, leaving me cleanly shaved for the first time since late February and, to the introductory point, for the first time since I met the aforementioned dating partner.
Last night, when we chatted by phone, I mentioned that I had shaved. She said something along the lines of how she hadn't seen me without facial hair, thus leading to a ridiculously inane conversation (much like this blog post) about my shaving patterns.
After my long-winded discussion (during which I'm pretty sure she fell asleep at least once), she said, "Wow, I guess I've made it through one beard cycle."
Upon further review, I must conclude, indeed she has.
I have no idea what will develop from this particular romantic entanglement, but one thing is for sure: From now on, beard cycles are going to be my primary indicator of relationship longevity. Goodbye months. Goodbye weeks. Goodbye number of existential crises.
Hello beard cycle.
Continuing Journeys
10 years ago
Maybe you can get her a digby & iona mustache necklace to commemorate the epoch (click the picture or a larger image).
That's awesome. Maybe that can become my thing, like the guy who gives all his girlfriends the same gift or always takes them to the same restaurant. Only my hook is the moustache necklace. Nice call, Stephanie. :)
wow - been married for nearly three years now...that's a lot of beard cycles. though i can't tell anymore - i think hubby stopped shaving after our last anniversary.
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