Not that there is anything bad about marketing folks or professional bakers.
OK, at least not about bakers.
Digressions, digressions, digressions.
Upon learning of the contest, I immediately thought of the wonderful cupcakes at Nature's Bin in Lakewood.
Initially, I was concerned that they wouldn't count, as Lakewood is technically not Cleveland (though my friend Ken, with whom I attended today's disappointing Indians game, informs me the differences are getting smaller every day - for what it is worth). However, a quick scan of the fine print indicated that Lakewood falls within Maybelle's Mom's generous definition of Cleveland (as does any other city, township, village or hamlet anywhere in Geauga, Summit, Lake, and Cuyahoga counties). So we were back in business, so to speak.
Before wowing you with the cupcake photography, let me tell you a bit about the place and baker. Nature's Bin is a wonderful store, sort of a healthy person's supermarket. It is also an asset to the community, as many of the employees are individuals with disabilities. Working at Nature's Bin helps these folks develop the sort of skills one needs to live productive and socially fulfilling lives, and does so in a way that is fully integrated with the mainstream community.
(Nature's Bin also has some fantastic microwaveable entrees, made from scratch in their full kitchen, that have immeasurably improved the life of this particular Cleveland Bachelor.)
The baker at Nature's Bin is a charming woman named Traci. Traci brings an artful eye and a creative approach to the art of cupcakery, routinely busting out both traditional cupcake flavors and crazy exciting flavors, all crafted with a visual edge so aesthetically appealing that one wonders whether to eat or frame the special treat. As framing would be messy and, well, impossible, I've always opted to eat, but you get my point, right?
Not only are her cupcakes delicious, they are also good for you. Traci routinely offers vegan and vegetarian cupcake options. (Nature's Bin also stocks baked goods for those who need gluten-free, but I'm pretty sure those aren't made in-house.)
Anyway, without (much) further ado, here are my best efforts at photographing Traci's delightful cupcakes. I sincerely urge each of you to make a trip over to Nature's Bin, do a little health food shopping and support a NEO institution that itself is providing an incredible and laudable service to the Cleveland+ region.
Oh yeah ... and get some awesome cupcakes.
Photos - finally we get to the photos.
Here's a list of what you are viewing. If what follows seem to be less than inspirational, TRUST ME, the fault lies entirely with the photographer (i.e., me).
1) Tag team shot of the apples & cinnamon cupcake and the orange/ginger/vanilla cupcake
2) Close up on the apples & cinnamon cupcake (my favorite)
3) Close up on the orange/ginger/vanilla cupcake
4) At home shot of vegan cookies and cream cupcake (I accidentally smushed the cookie on top - my bad )
5) Display case shot of vegan cookies and cream cupcakes (sorry for the glare)
1 comment:
Great job with the post. good luck.
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