Saturday, June 27, 2009

The week ahead, 6/28-7/4

Crazy week this week. Sweltering, especially inside my non-AC apartment with the windows up to protect against the gathering evil hordes of honeysuckle. Poor Smelly - she's been panting and out of sorts, while I've been sitting in my home office working on a project. I finally finished it up a few days ago, much to the appreciation of my neighbors, who now no longer have to accidentally catch glimpses of me working shirtless in my completely windowed workspace.

Given last week was so completely dominated by work, I didn't get a chance to hit up most of the things on my own must-do list, including the Beachland shows by Crocodiles and Cotton Jones. I did get to catch the Made in the 216 event yesterday, and it was really something. I never thought I'd compliment for something like this, but Danielle DeBoe (the big shot of the event and proprietor of Room Service) is an incredibly talented merchandiser. If you get a chance, you really should stop over at the event. I was extra pleased to see one of the ladies from Dish, my former favorite neighborhood lunch stop before the hordes of dbs pushed me out, representing her new catering business, and I discovered some really talented Cleveland artisans I'd otherwise have no clue about.

I also had a chance to check out the Founding Fathers set at the Coffinberry album release. I was too tired to stick around all the way to the headliners set, but for being the first gig out ever, Founding Fathers were super impressive, particularly the bass and rhythm guitar players. Keep an eye on them for sure.

This week there are lots of options, but as I was once supposed to be out of town this week, I wasn't as diligent as usual keeping track of all the day-to-day awesomeness, so there will be some blanks for you to fill. Help a brother out and post additional suggestions in the comments section if you know of something I missed.

Sunday, June 28 - Relax from the long day of awesomeness you are sure to experience today at the Waterloo Arts Fest with brunch at the Beachland. In the evening there are a few cool events in town, including a closing party for Melanie Newman's show at Doubting Thomas (see image below) and an international double feature at the Cinematheque with Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (USSR) and Dry Season (Chad/France/Belgium/Austria).

Monday, June 29 - This is your first fill-in-the-blank opportunity. I'm sorry I failed you.

Tuesday, June 30 - Check out Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art Show at the Beachland. I met some of these folks at a recent Asterisk event and they are super cool. No matter your art skills, you'll have a blast. If hip-hop is more your thing than art, check out THE ROOTS (!) at Cleveland House of Blues.

Wednesday, July 1 - Pterodactyl is playing at Now That's Class.

Thursday, July 2
- The original Italian Job film is playing at in Lakewood. Or you could be like me and drive to Ann Arbor to see Dean & Britta live score the Warhol short films project (13 Most Beautiful) they have been taking around the country as of late. Underground word here is that they won't be making a Cleveland appearance any earlier than 2010, so this will be your only opportunity for a while to check this awesomeness out.

Friday, July 3 - Dana Depew's annual artistic blow-out, the "19" show, will have its opening reception at Asterisk. I really suggest you check this out. Some Cleveland Bachelor favorite artists like Laszlo Gyorki, Sunia Boneham, and Thea Milkowski will be showing, along with a bunch of others.

If you hate art and yet somehow are still reading this blog you could also check out Dweezil Zappa's concert tribute to his father, Frank, at the Cleveland House of Blues. This show has got a lot of great reviews and I'm positive you'll dig it. Unless you are the same person that hates art and still hasn't stopped reading this entry.

Saturday, July 4 - Another fill-in-the-blank day for you. But, seriously, it is Independence Day - if you don't have bbq or picnic or pool party or whatever plans by now, go make some!

Other stuff to keep your eye on the following week:

July 7 - Cave Weddings at Now That's Class.
July 10 - Asterisk @ Ingenuity opening at Playhouse Square
July 10 - Music Saves Alley Cat Friday
July 11 - Cain Parks Art Fest
July 11 - Double Dagger at Now That's Class.

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